Aerobic Exercise

3 min readApr 22, 2022

Variety in Exercise

what are different types of exercises ever thought of it ?

Aerobic Exercise(cardiovascular exercise): Aerobic fitness improves overall health and well-being. It helps your heart, blood vessels, lungs, and muscles. Popular activities include walking, biking, jogging, swimming, and dancing

strength training: Strength training improves your muscle and bone health, and helps with weight loss

stretching: Flexibility allows you to move your body freely. Being flexible decreases your risk of injury. Stretching lengthens your muscles. To improve flexibility, consider chair-stretching exercises or yoga

balance: Your body’s core strength helps stability and balance. You can improve stability and balance by doing exercises that focus on the center of your body

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise includes any activity that gets you breathing heavier, your heart beating faster, and your muscles working harder than when you are at rest. The benefits of aerobic activity are felt throughout your entire body.


Lungs: Enhances the lungs ability to get oxygen to tissues throughout the body

Mental Health: Reduces stress, anxiety, and tension

Energy: Improves energy, stamina, and endurance

Diabetes: Reduces risk for developing type 2 diabetes

Heart: Strengthens and enlarges the heart making it easier to pump blood throughout the body

Sleep: Improves sleep

Body Composition: Reduces body fat and increases lean body mass

Muscles: Strengthens muscles throughout the body


LIGHT INTENSITY Includes activities done in everyday life including light housework, shopping, and cooking. While still good for you, these activities do not count toward aerobic activity goals because your body is not working quite hard enough.

MODERATE INTENSITY Includes activities where your heart is beating faster and you are breathing harder than during normal daily activities. During these activities you are able to talk comfortably, but are not able to sing.

VIGOROUS INTENSITY Includes activities where you are breathing hard and fast, and your heart rate is elevated. During these activities you will have difficulty saying more than a few words without taking a breath. Remember, more vigorous intensity is not always better. You can gain just as many benefits from moderate activities. Always remember to discuss new physical activity routines with your medical provider before starting



It is essential to keep safety in mind when doing any type of physical activity. To stay safe during aerobic exercise, remember to

Always check with your medical provider before starting a new physical activity routine. Start slow and build up to your desired level of activity. Always stretch before and after aerobic exercise. Wear proper shoes. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after aerobic exercise

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contributors: itscharlie201 , move!, Utah State University


